Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Agent Orange

Agent orange is a chemical used on vietnam, which caused birth defects and cancer. Knowing this the U.S. still used it against innocent vietminh, whome we were trying to get to trust us so they would reveal our enemies positions. Hah, "hey were going to bomb and poision you but trust us okay, cause we are totally trustworthy." How stupid we were in the past always seems to amaze me. Anyway, agent orange causes cancer of all types in men and women. But it also was absorbed into all of the women's eggs, which causes very severe birth defects with all kids. Such as missing limbs, extra limbs, growths, holes, bone disallignment, and it all resulted with kids who looked like aliens. Its sick, and horribly sad. When i saw the pictures i wanted to puke, but also wanted to cry. Im very angry at America for being that cruel. Some kids lived with those defects, wasteing away, all because of us. I mean, how could we be so cruel? So uncaring? Its devistating. Ill most likely connect pictures of some of these birth defects, but if i dont or you wanna see more then just google it. Hundreds of pictures will come up.

